This certification Course will review roadside assistance services and includes the extended Towing module. Upon completion of this track certification for roadside assistance is attained.
Towing Masterclass
In this course you will learn the fundamentals of Towing, congestion management and highway safety.
Customer Service Mastercalss
Customer Service is vital to any business and will be the focal point of this certification training. Learn how to generate a positive interaction to support the company you work for.
Course time – 7:41
Lock Outs Mastercalss
This course will review best practices for dealing with lock outs.
Course Time – 18:22
Tire Changes Masterclass
In this course we will review best practices for changing a tire, including safety methods and customer service orientation.
Road Safety Mastercalss
In this course you will learn the basic principles of road safety.
Course Time – 9:03
Fuel Deliveries Masterclass
This course offers the necessary information to teach you how to make a fuel delivery on the road.
Jump Starts Masterclass
The jump start course will review proper techniques in battery service.